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A Quick Look At 2022 “Year In Review” Posts

Depicts two hands holding sparklers. Used as a cover photo for a news article about year-end review emails from various alternative investing platforms.

As we look at the start of 2023, many investment platforms are posting their highlights for the year of 2022. Below, we’ve collected a bunch of recaps from companies within the alternative investing universe.

ANote Music

Anote Music took to Twitter to give us a video recap of 2022 and a look at their 2023 roadmap.

The video is linked below, but here’s some highlights for investors:

  • There were 6 new music royalty assets launched on the platform: I Love to Love Song, Sundance Music Catalogue, Sterling Fox Catalogue, Logan Mader Catalogue, Ever Ever Music Catalogue, and Cadillac Records Soundtrack Catalogue.
  • €170K in royalties distributed from 35 payouts across 14 catalogues.
  • Of those that have invested with ANote Music for 6 months or more, over 91% of them have profitable investment portfolios on the platform.
  • 9.63% is the average annualized return on the platform in 2022.

Here’s the 2023 roadmap. It looks like we should expect to be seeing some interesting updates next year.

Lastly, we’re both honored and excited to have our ANote Music overview included in the latest news section of their update.

Depicts a series of posts in the 2022 year end email from ANote Music. Asset Scholar's overview of ANote Music is featured!
A screenshot of the Latest News section from their year end email to investors Stay in Tune Your music investment highlights updates from December 2022

Arrived Homes

In a blog post, Arrived Homes shared their top 10 highlights of 2022. Here’s some of the metrics that stood out the most:

  • Arrived launched and sold out of 152 properties
  • There were 310 nights booked at Arrived’s vacation rental properties. The Ace had the strongest debut with $19K in booking revenue in the first week.
  • 173K new users registered on Arrived Homes in 2022.


Fundrise published their year-end letter to investors discussing their performance and outlook for the future. According to the letter, 2022 was the Fundrise’s best year ever in terms of performance relative to the stock market and public REITs. The performance across all Fundrise clients was reported at a 1.50% gain.

There’s a lot to unpack in Fundrise’s expectations for the year, but a standout point is that they feel we are “nearing the bottom of the market cycle.”


Groundfloor provided their top 10 moments of 2022 on Twitter:


For 2022, Here sent out an email reviewing the highlights of their year. Here’s a quick rundown of what was called out:

  • They’ve reached almost 100,000 registered users
  • Here now has $10M in assets under management across ten different destinations.
  • Guests have stayed more than 100 nights across Here’s properties. That has produced a 4.8 star rating from guests and a “Premier Host” status on VRBO.
  • Investors in the first offering, Sunburst, have received an annualized return (IRR) of 6.62% from rental income and 36.72% from appreciation.


Available as both an email to investors and a post on LinkedIn, SongVest also provided some metrics on 2022.

  • 2022 brought a nearly 5X increase in the amount of registered users on SongVest
  • Music catalog sales on the platform increased more than 250%

Additionally, SongVest sold out and closed SongShares offerings for “Hit The Quan” and “Chippass.” The end of 2022 also saw 50% of SongShares sold for “Cross Me” and 100% of shares sold for “Fear No More.”


StartEngine posted a list of 2022 highlights. There’s a lot in there, but here are some things they chose to give extra attention:

  • Almost $190M invested in companies raising funds on the platform.
  • The record for the most funds raised in one week was beaten 3 times.
  • StartEngine agreed to buy SeedInvest. This is possibly the biggest consolidation move we’ve seen in the equity crowdfunding space so far. The combined company has surpassed $1B in funding raised for startups.
  • Four different offers surpassed $10M in total investments.


Here’s the highlights for Republic‘s equity crowdfunding platform from a year-end email:

  • In May, Republic announced they were expanding their retail equity crowdfunding platform into Asia.
  • Their acquisition of Seedrs closed in September. With Seedrs based out of the UK, which also gives Republic reach into Europe.
  • The TBH campaign broke new ground, allowing “Stranger Things” fans to invest in a venture led by one of the show’s stars.
  • Republic expanded the types of investments on the platform with the launch of their Culture offerings. So far, this has included a film, a song, a piece of art, and a wine and whiskey fund (provided by Vinovest).

Lastly, they announce a major initiative for 2023 – a secondary trading market. If successful, this could go a long way towards resolving one of the main drawbacks of equity crowdfunding – liquidity.


Royal provided a tweet showing all the LDA assets launched on the platform this year alongside a few key metrics for the platform.

Untapped Global

Untapped Global is a newer platform we have yet to cover. It effectively pools money from investors and uses it to finance entrepreneurs in the developing world. They saw growth in their impact in 2022 and shared highlights in a year-end email:

  • $10.5M of revenue generated by over 11,000 local entrepreneurs from the financing received through Untapped
  • For every $1 invested, financed entrepreneurs generated $3.86 of yearly revenue


In their End of Year Review blog post, Vint highlighted the performance of the two offerings that they exited completely. They also spoke about the addition of $5M to their balance sheet from their seed fundraising round.

We also covered the returns from Vint’s sales previously.

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Josh Heier
Studied and working in the computer networking field. Interested in technology, finance, investing, and learning new things. Smalltime Angel Investor.
