
It’s Been An Exciting Time For Percent

Fireworks, colorful lights, and other celebratory symbols amid financial symbols. Represents Percent's success and growth.

This week there were some key announcements about this alternative investment platform focused on private credit.


In a Tweet, Percent announced that they had secured $30M through an oversubscribed Series B funding round. According to TechCrunch this brings the company’s funds on hand up to just over $48M dollars.

The company now has a considerable pool of capital to build and expand. They’re already expecting to see revenue from 2023 to be more than double last year’s. This is also likely to help on Percent’s drive towards profitability, which the CEO expects could change as soon as mid-2024.

This latest infusion of cash is also very timely. As the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates and many smaller banks see challenges to their balance sheets, banks may tighten their lending criteria. This could create a gap in the market that creates greater demand for private credit.

New Features & Branding

It’s probably not a coincidence that Percent also announced a range of upcoming changes and improvements to the platform shortly after the funding announcement.

So, what can investors expect to change? There is an upcoming update to their branding, which could be the most visible to the changes. Beyond that, the new features seem focused on improving the investment experience.

One theme of the changes is increasing the access to information. There will be more market-level data available about Percent’s offerings (and their performance) as a whole. We expect this will end up being similar to what YieldStreet presents. There will also be more information about a borrower’s history on the platform and the potential to access confidential data to help make investment decisions.

Outside of that, the remaining changes look to improve the investor experience. This includes a calendar that shows key events for offerings, such as closure dates. There’s also improved portfolio and deal pages on the way as well. Both updates look to improve the ease and usefulness of these pages on the platform.


Percent landed a huge sum of funds in order to further support an expansion of their platform and offerings. It’s already a growing player in the private credit space, which is only expected to get larger in the upcoming years. The TechCrunch article suggests that it could grow from $1.4T in 2022 to $2.3T in 2027. That’s after almost tripling in size over the previous 7 years.

If private credit and Percent can continue to grow at such rapid rates while providing good returns for investors, we’ll likely only be hearing about them more over the coming years.

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Josh Heier
Studied and working in the computer networking field. Interested in technology, finance, investing, and learning new things. Smalltime Angel Investor.

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